- Gripsrud, J. (2018) Norsk hamskifte? En kritikk av Terje Tvedt, et betinget forsvar for godheten og en etterlysning av midtbanen i innvandringsdebatten. Bergen: Vigmostad & Bjørke.
Book chapters
- Hjarvard, S., & Rosenfeldt, P.M (2018) Planning Public Debate: Beyond Entrenched Controversies About Islam. In Lundby, K. (edt.) Contesting Religion : The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 117-134. DOI:
- Hellström, A., Hagelund, A., and Meret, S. (2019) Issue and Tone towards the Nationalist Populist Parties in Mainstream Press Editorials in Scandinavia. In Hellström, A. (edt.) Trust us. Reproducing the nation and the Scandinavian Nationalist Populist Parties. New York & Oxford: Berghan books. pp.112-129. ISBN 978-1-78238-927-9.
- Hellström, Anders; Hagelund, Anniken & Meret, Susi (2016). Between a Normal Political Contester and a Devil in Disguise: Framing the National Populist Parties in Mainstream Press Editorials in Scandinavia, In Anders Hellström (edt.) Trust us. Reproducing the Nation and the Scandinavian Nationalist Populist Parties. Berghahn Books. pp.130-167. ISBN 978-1-78238-927-9
- Kjeldsen, J. (2019) The rhetoric of shame in the immigration debate. In Garssen, B.J., Godden, D., Mitchell, G.R., & Wagemans, J.H.M. (eds.). Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation, Publisher: SicSat, pp.652-661.
- Kjeldsen, J. & Andersen, I. (2017/18) The Rhetorical Power of News Photographs: A Triangulatory Reception Approach to the Alan Kurdi Images. In Kjeldsen, J (edt.) Rhetorical Audience Studies and Reception of Rhetoric. Exploring Audiences Empirically. Palsgrave Macmillan, pp. 309-333. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61618-6_12
- Moe, H., Thorbjørnsrud, K., and Fladmoe, A. (2017) Perceptions of journalistic bias: Party preferences, media trust and attitudes towards immigration. In Midtbøen, A., Steen-Johnsen and Thorbjørnsrud, K. (edt.) Boundry Struggles: Contestation of Free Speech in The Public Sphere. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, pp.109-138.
- Dahl, J. M. (2019) From the Club Stage to the National Scene: How Mass Media Interpreted Two Comedians as Important Immigrant Voices, Javnost – The Public 26:2, pp. 210-224. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1587700
- Gripsrud, J. (2019) Comparing Public Discourse on Immigration in Scandinavia: Some Background Notes and Preliminary Results, Javnost – The Public 26:2, pp. 121-137. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1600834
- Hagelund, A.(2020). After the refugee crisis: public discourse and policy change in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. CMS 8,13.
- Hovden, J.F. (2020) From Wanderers to Strangers: The shifting space of Scandinavian immigration debate 1970–2016. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research 45: 4, pp. 814–840. ISSN (Online) 1613-4087, ISSN (Print) 0341-2059. DOI:
- Hovden, J.F, Mjelde, H. & Gripsrud, J. (2018). The Syrian refugee crisis in Scandinavian newspapers. The European Journal of Communications Research [Online] ISSN (Online) 1613-4087, ISSN (Print) 0341-2059.
- (2019) Royal Interventions in the Public Discourse on Immigration: Rhetorical Topoi on Immigration in the New Year’s Speeches of the Scandinavian Monarchs, Javnost – The Public 26:2, pp. 225-240. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1587702 J.E
- Kjeldsen, J.E (2019) Skammens retorik i indvandringsdebatten. Rhetorica Scandinavica.
- Mjelde, H. & Hovden, J.F (2019) Populism in Scandinavian Immigration Discourse 1970–2016. International Journal of Communication 13(2019), pp. 5483–5504.
- Mjelde, H. (2020) “Gjør Norge storslått igjen”: Partiet Alliansen og trumpisme som politisk kommunikasjonsstil. Norsk Medietidsskrift, 107:4, pp.1-17. ISSN (Online) 0805-9535, DOI:
- Mjelde, H. (2020) The six roles of the Anit-Immigration Parties in Scandinavian Immigration Press Debate 1970-2016. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 10(3) pp.1-14. DOI:
- Moe, H. (2019). Comparing Platform “Ranking Cultures” Across Languages: The Case of Islam on YouTube in Scandinavia. Social Media + Society.
- Nygaard, S. (2020) Boundary Work: Intermedia Agenda-Setting Between Right-Wing Alternative Media and Professional Journalism. Journalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2020.1722731
- Riegert, K. & Hovden, J. (2019) Identity, Empathy and Argument: Immigrants in Culture and Entertainment Journalism in the Scandinavian Press, Javnost – The Public 26:2, pp. 158-175 DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1589279
- Nilsen, Irmelin W. (2021) Mediedekningen rundt koronasmitte og innvandrergrupper i Norge og Danmark.SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Finborud, Lars (2020) Sakprosabøker om innvandring i Norge, Sverige og Danmark, 1970-2020. SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Hovden, J.F. and H. Mjelde (2019). Immigration debate in Scandinavian newspapers 1970-2016. Methodology, codebook and selected tables. SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Hovden, J.F. and H. Mjelde (2023). A change of heart? Scandinavian citizens´ dispositions towards immigration as measured by voting and political polls. SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Hovden, J.F. and H. Mjelde (2023). The immigration debate in the Scandinavian press 1970-2016. SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Nilsen, Irmelin W. (2020) Scandinavian television fiction and immigration: Key developments. SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Paulsen, Ingeborg Hedda (2020) “Kan en neger være julenisse?” Konflikttemaer i innvandringsdebatten i norske debattprogrammer 1970-2019. SCANPUB. Bergen, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
Doctoral theses
- (2021): Counterpublic Discourses in Facebook Comment Sections – A Comparative Analysis of Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish (Social) Media Discourse on Islam [Doctoral thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen
- (2021): Voices on the border: Comedy and Immigration in the Scandinavian Public Spheres. [Doctoral thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen
- (2020): Instead of the deliberative debate: How the principle of expression plays out in the news-generated Facebook discussion. [Doctoral thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen
Master’s theses
- Bredahl, A. (2018): “Den endeløse strømmen”. Ein kritisk analyse av metaforar i ein politisk diskurs om innvandring. [Master’s thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen.
- Bjøntegård, M. K. (2017): Innvandringsdebattens retorikk. En analyse av identitetskonstruksjoner og argumentasjon i norsk fjernsynsvalgkamp (1987-2015). [Master’s thesis]. Bergen: Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Hjartåker, B. O. (2017): Multikulturell rugekasse. Fremskrittspartiets argumentasjon om innvandring før valg 1987-2001. [Master’s thesis]. Bergen: University of Bergen.
- Mkrtchyan, L. (2017): Fra nasjonal dugnadsånd til nasjonal skepsis. En kvantitativ studie av mediedebatten om flyktningstrømmen fra Syria i Aftenposten, Klassekampen og VG. [Master’s thesis]. Bergen: Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Salte, L. (2018): Hijaben og “oss” En analyse av argumentasjon og mangfoldsperspektiver i et utvalg av norske hijabdebatter. [Master’s thesis]. Bergen: Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Slåke, A. L. (2018): Portraying a Major Minority in Televised Public Service Broadcasting. Portrayal of Polish Immigrants in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. [Master’s thesis]. Bergen: Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
- Kjeldsen, J. E (2019) Digital debat med billeder. Retorikforlaget.