This month parts of the SCANPUB team will be presenting their work at two international conferences.
First up is the conference “Rhetoric in Society 7, Rhetoric as Equipment for Living”, September, 11-13, at Ghent University. Ida Andersen, Jens Kjeldsen and John Magnus Dahl will attend the panel session “Using comments sections, press photographs, and comedy as equipment for working through the immigration issue”.
The papers that will be discussed are:
Ida Andersen: My comment was not racist»: Working through immigration criticism in Scandinavian comment section debates.
Jens E. Kjeldsen: Press photographs as equipment for working through the immigration crisis.
John Magnus Dahl: The “Pig Democrats” and comedy as equipment for moral condemnation.
Chair: Eirik Vatnøy (UiO).
When: Friday, September 13, 13:00-14:30.
The second conference is Nordisk konferanse for retorisk forskning (NKRF7), with the theme Peace, conflict and communication. The conference is hosted by The University of Bergen, September, 18-20.
Ida Andersen, John Magnus Dahl, Jens Kjeldsen and Anniken Hagelund will present their research on Scandinavian immigration debate and history, with their following papers:
Ida Andersen: Det jeg skrev var ikke rasistisk”: Retorisk håndtering av innvandringskritikk i skandinaviske kommentarfelt.
John Magnus Ragnhildson Dahl: “Svindemokratarna” og komedie som moralsk fordømming.
Jens E. Kjeldsen og Anniken Hagelund: De andre andre – retoriske representationer af indvandringskritikere i Skandinavisk presse
When: Thursday, September 19, 15:00-16:30.
Finally, Jens Kjeldsen recently published the article “Digital Debat med billeder” at Retorikforlaget. Jens Kjeldsen argues that simple, yet striking pictures, like the picture of Aylan Kurdi, are the new commonplace of our digital and global world. The article explores how we use iconic pictures to think, feel and to navigate our lives – what Kenneth Burke called equipment for living.